Body Solid T25 Endurance Folding Treadmill

 Contact Chris with any questions 401-203-5659
Rent, rent to own and delivery are available.

Built with a 2 HP continuous duty and 4 HP peak motor, the T25 Treadmill has a speed range of 1-10 mph while also featuring 0-12% elevation and incline settings for intense, calorie-burning workouts.


Designed for users with space restrictions, the Endurance by Body-Solid T25 Treadmill quickly and easily folds while also offering transport wheels to allow expedient movement. 


The T25 Treadmill is constructed with large 2” diameter sealed-bearing rollers, a wide 20.5”x57” running space and a max user weight of 275 lbs. 

Body Solid T25 Endurance Folding Treadmill
Buy for $1695
Rent mo to mo $129 per Mo