keiser Circuit for sale

Text Or Call Chris w/ any questions or to order 401-203-5659
Rent, rent to own and delivery are available.

10 Piece Keiser Circuit for rent.  Cash Price $9995

Rent Month to Month for $399 a month .1 payment down, plus delivery and install. 

0% Financing available for 24 Months.

$1000 Down.  $375 per month 24 Months. (plus sales tax and delivery)

Equipment is in good shape, will be cleaned and serviced before delivery, No rips in pads.  Local delivery is available. 

Seated back row, leg extension, seated leg curl,  back extension,  shoulder press, chest press, bicep curl, tricep press,  stretch station, abdominal, 

Simple app to apply for circuit, Monthly payment made by ACH from checking or CC