Life Fitness 95X Inspire Elliptical Cross-Trainer 

 Contact Chris with any questions 401-203-5659
Rent, rent to own and delivery are available.

Life Fitness 95X Inspire Elliptical Cross-Trainer for Sale $299 

Just in! In Great Condition. Home use only. Same unit you will see in the gyms. Full commercial. 

Will be cleaned and serviced.  

Summer Clearance Sale!. 

Purchase and Pick it up in the store for $299,
Cash and Carry 

Cost new over $7k.


Exercise Programs: Quick Start, Manual, Random, Hill, Cardio, Fat Burn, Heart Rate Hill, Heart Rate Interval, Extreme Heart Rate, Around the World, Cascades, Foothills, Kilimanjaro, Navy PRT, Fit Test, Custom Workouts (8), Create Your Own Workouts (2), Cross-trainer Aerobics, Cross-trainer Reverse, Speed Training, Speed Interval Training, Time Goal, Calorie Goal, Distance Goal, Distance Climbed Goal, Time in Zone Goal, Pace Goal, Customized Cool Down

Display Readout: Speed, Resistance Level, Heart Rate, Pace, Elapsed Time, Time Remaining, Time in Zone, Time of Day, Distance, Distance Climbed, Distance Remaining, Calories, Calories Per Hour, Watts, METs, Custom Messaging, Workout Profile

Languages: 19

Resistance: 25 Levels

Stride Length: 20"

Reading Rack and Accessory Trey

Pedal Spacing: 2.8"

iPod Compatible

Power Requirements: Self-Powered

Max User Weight: 400 lbs

Weight: 452 lbs

Dimensions: 88" L x 31" W 65" H